I just love these new earrings I bought at Therapy…

Recipe: Grilled peaches
Toynette, Trent’s mom and a reader of this blog, sent over a great recipe for grilled peaches today. I don’t currently have a barbeque, probably since I also don’t have a yard or balcony. But if the good weather continues, I just may have to invest in one for the back stairs. Or I could cheat and use a pan like this. This recipe seems perfect for a warm summer afternoon. I bet they would be really good cold for breakfast the next day too.
I might try a slightly different variation, grilling the peaches plain and making a flavored whip cream as a topping. Maybe a basil cream? It’s from a passion fruit gelees receipe (jello, for those of you who don’t speak “snob”) in this month’s issue of Gourmet. Or ginger cream would be really tasty too!
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