Now that Rich and Molly were successfully married, Rob and…

Things I love today: Le Petit Ecolier cookies
Along with my favorite ginger lemon creme cookies, I also love the Le Petit Ecolier chocolate biscuits. This is another box of cookies that I try to keep on hand for unexpected guests.
The Carters originally introduced me to these cookies when I was about 6 years old. The Carters were the epitome of stylish professors. Their house in Davis was decorated with art, Danish modern furniture and books. They spent their summers in Provence, wore stylish tweed, and always had Petit Ecolier cookies ready for visiting children.
Safeway has a sale on these cookies today. Stock your pantry with the milk chocolate and dark chocolate varieties and always be stylishly prepared for small visitors!
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wait, you grew up in Davis? As in Davis California? Me too! Wacky…
(i graduated from high school in 1998). I wonder if we know each other? If so, you have to come visit sometime and I can take you to the mecca of cookies like these.
What a small world! I only lived in Davis until about third grade. But I also graduated from high school in 1998…let’s see, who do I remember from DPNS? Scotty Bounderant? Ada Otter? John Naliboff? Trent Johnson? Any of these ring a bell?