My bags are packed again. This time to DC for…
Weekend Round-Up:
This warm weather in San Francisco has been so wonderful! Each weekend feels like a mini vacation to southern California.
On Friday night, we met Rich (the groom-to-be visiting from SLO) and Matt (our Russian Hill friend) for dinner at Blowfish Sushi on Bryant. Mmm! Cucumber saki cocktails, the most delicious sashimi, creative rolls and designer desserts. And the prices aren’t as bad as you would think. After dinner, Matt came back to our apartment for a super competitive game of Scrabble.
Sunday morning, Trent and I picked up Matt and drove to Sausalito for some kayaking. Jean and Rob had run over the Golden Gate Bridge earlier that morning. When we arrived at 11:00 it was a balmy 80 degrees on Richardson Bay. We kayaked for a hour, dipping our feet in the water to stay cool. Once we disembarked it was time for a huge lunch at a little cafe in Sausalito. I was exhausted when we got home at 2:00 and slept for three hours!
At 7:00, Rob and I went to Jean and Trent’s for a round of watermelon margaritas before an Ethiopian dinner at the Axum Cafe. We took the F-train out to fisherman’s wharf to meet up with a group of friends celebrating birthdays on a party bus. It was pretty much what you would expect! Dancing to 50 Cent with a bottle of jagermeister while hoping Jason doesn’t pass out on your lap. Here’s photographic evidence!
Sunday morning, Rob left early for what would turn out to be an epic 27 mile bike ride in Marin. I slept in for a bit, grabbed the Sunday Times from the newsstand and had breakfast at the crepe restaurant down the street. I finally got around to taking my shoes to the cobbler and made another pilgrimage to Gump’s for a baby baptism gift (a silver spoon and fork set with bunnies on the handles, adorable!). Nicole invited us out to the Richmond for dinner. She might be moving to Salt Lake City soon – which is sad for us, but probably best for her and Mojito.
What a weekend!
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Your weekends sound like such a blast…I am so envious!!!
Way to make the most of your weekend and have the most fun possible!
Just you wait. When you come to visit we’ll have an even better weekend!