Margaret and I went to see Carmen at the opera…

Crafty: Embroidery pattern
I’ve been kind of slacking off on my latest embroidery project. I am hoping that by posting it online I’ll be inspired to finally finish it:
I am using this pattern in white thread on two coral pillowcases. The design is copied from a tiara by Chaumet. It’s about six inches long on the hem of the pillowcase. You can click on the photo for a larger, printable version.
I think it’s all that satin stitching that has put me off the project for a while. I took me a long time just to finish the greek key pattern and I haven’t started on the floral part just yet. And that’s just the first pillowcase!
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that’s such a lovely design! I’d love to see it finished… 🙂
I’ll post photos of the final results…whenever that may be!