Today's advent calendar image comes to you straight from my…

Sad day
I am feeling completely depressed today. My sister Jean just left San Francisco to move to North Carolina for the next six years. She’s going to Chapel Hill to get her Ph.D. We had a fun going away dinner together last night at a sushi place down the street. Here’s a photo of the impossible amount of food we ordered…and approximately five minutes later when we managed to eat every last roll and two bowls of ice cream.
For the past year, Jean and Trent have lived two blocks away from our apartment. They have been our constant activity buddies. Rob and I have seen them at least twice a week for bike rides, movies, shopping, rock climbing, parties, kickball, eating out and other adventures. I certainly wouldn’t have been brave enough to start the Ladies Activity Club without Jean’s support. Although I am happy about their new adventure, we are going to miss them dreadfully. And so I’ve decided to be very sulky all day, apologies in advance.
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