Now that we're off to a new city, let's recap…

Urban girl almanac: Fall is here!
I am so glad it is Friday! This week has been draining. Here’s what I learned:
- Spending six hours at Macy’s will give you a cold.
- Sleeping for 18 hours straight will get rid of said cold.
- Steve Emerson…not such a fun and optimistic guy when it comes to global politics.
- Dinner delivery orders increase as the temperature decreases.
- Don’t order from Red Jade through It doesn’t work out as well as you’d hope.
- Do order pizza from Deja vu, even more delicious than expected!
- Gel coated Tylenol is the best pain medicine for toukas injuries.
- Oh the Glory of it All is a very juicy read.
- Ugly Betty is a fun new show. Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip was mostly confusing.
- It pays in San Francisco to always dress a little warmer than you think is needed.
- Listen to your physical therapist when she says you are only allowed to go to Bloomingdale’s for one hour this weekend (we’ll see!).
- October starts Sunday! Yay!
Have a great weekend!
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