And to further set the scene - here's the room…

Coveted: Green Dress
There’s a scene toward the end of Casino Royale (which was great by the way) where Eva Green appears in a gorgeous green silk dress. This photo doesn’t do it justice. As soon as the movie was over I said “I need to get that dress!”
I haven’t been able to find it yet, if it exists in stores. Maybe you could help! Post any hot leads in the comments section if you have them!
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You’ll have to find a look-alike it seems…. In an interview with the costume person for Casino Royale, she said “I designed the dresses she wears in Italy — at the sanatorium on Lake Como,” while pretty much everything else is a designer label.
Darn it!
I saw that dress and caught my breath! The BEST part of that movie for sure! I guess us red heads are drawn to green?
hello. this is the best dress! I hoped that anyone already found it, but looks like we have to make…
All the best from Moscow! )
I want to know where I can get the earrings she wears with the green dress! If I find them, I'll let you know!