To Do: Celebrate!

To Do: Celebrate!

Hooray for me! I officially finished the draft of my book and sent it to the publisher today! I won't go too much into the…
Crafty: Indoor ivy topiary

Crafty: Indoor ivy topiary

As I mentioned last week, my indoor limequat tree unceremoniously bit the dust a few weeks ago. After a rather unsuccessful trip to the wholesale…
Mammalian moment

Mammalian moment

Jean loves all things monkey. She loves spooky tarsiers and crazy capuchins. That's why I am sure she will love "Ask Dr. Capybara." (Disclaimer: I…
To Do: Spring cleaning

To Do: Spring cleaning

With the weather being so miserable this weekend, I have planned a few indoor spring cleaning activities. I recently bought the Neutrogena Microdermabrasion kit and…
Urban Girl Tip: Next Bus

Urban Girl Tip: Next Bus

Sometimes it so great living with a techy! Rob has programmed our computer at home to turn on automatically at 7:30 am and display the…
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