February 23, 2006 Shopping challenge: Perfect black pumps On Monday, I lent a bunch of clothes to my sister for her graduate school interviews out in North Carolina. When she asked my for… Read More→
February 23, 2006 Things I love today: The Miramar When I was young, my family used to spend a few weeks each summer at the Miramar Hotel in Montecito, CA. This funny resort had… Read More→
February 22, 2006 To Do: Celebrate! Hooray for me! I officially finished the draft of my book and sent it to the publisher today! I won't go too much into the… Read More→
February 22, 2006 Things I love today: L’Occitane shea butter hand cream Between rock climbing and the freezing cold weather in San Francisco, my hands have been dried out beyond belief. Rock climbing in the gym is… Read More→
February 22, 2006 Crafty: Indoor ivy topiary As I mentioned last week, my indoor limequat tree unceremoniously bit the dust a few weeks ago. After a rather unsuccessful trip to the wholesale… Read More→
February 22, 2006 Urban Girl Tip: Don’t get cable TV What a relaxing three day weekend that was! The dreadful San Francisco weather combined with all our friends being out of town basically left Rob… Read More→
February 18, 2006 Mammalian moment Jean loves all things monkey. She loves spooky tarsiers and crazy capuchins. That's why I am sure she will love "Ask Dr. Capybara." (Disclaimer: I… Read More→
February 18, 2006 To Do: Spring cleaning With the weather being so miserable this weekend, I have planned a few indoor spring cleaning activities. I recently bought the Neutrogena Microdermabrasion kit and… Read More→
February 18, 2006 Urban Girl Tip: Next Bus Sometimes it so great living with a techy! Rob has programmed our computer at home to turn on automatically at 7:30 am and display the… Read More→
February 17, 2006 Baby it’s cold outside! Man alive is it cold today! How did we manage to go from a balmy 75 degrees to freezing cold and windy 55 degrees in… Read More→