It really feels like the holidays after this festive weekend.…

Weekend Round-Up: Cosmos
(Sorry for the delay, major computer foibles this morning.)
We were so lazy this weekend! Rob and I headed straight out to Ben and Stacey’s after work on Friday. We were the first guests to arrive at their mission apartment and helped them finish the tapas. The other guests arrived over the next hour. There were a lot of Davis alumni and med students; overall a very fun crowd. The chocolate ice cream came out pretty well too! After a couple of Ben’s super strong cosmos, Rob and I somehow helped start a clarinet and guitar sing-a-long. The last thing I remember clearly is demanding that Ben play 99 Luftballons. At 12:30, we called a cab and headed home.
My head was a little cloudy the next morning (Ben, those must have been strong drinks!). So I slept in and had a quiet breakfast. At noon, we drove out to the park to meet Matt for archery. This was one of our longest sessions yet, we stayed out for almost three hours. Back at home for more recovery with naps. We had a simple dinner of leftovers, tangerines and mangoes. A pretty quiet day, but one full of much needed relaxation.
Rob went down to the newsstand to get me the Times on Sunday morning. It was a good, thick one and I stayed in bed until noon with a pot of coffee reading straight through. At one, we met Matt at the gym. The boys climbed while I spent an hour on the bike and elliptical. It felt so good to be exercising again! It was too sunny and warm to go back home after the work out. So we bought some combo plates from Truly Med and sat out on the patio at Zeitgeist with a pitcher. We talked with Matt, an architect, about designing a cabin down in the hills above Saratoga. Lovely! I hope this warm weather stays with us a bit longer.
Next Post: Recipe: Chocolate Ice Cream
Previous Post: Viva Mexico!
Sounds like a fun weekend!