What a lovely weekend! On Friday night, Rob and I…

What to Wear: Graduation
All our readers seem to have fun events coming up this summer: weddings, vacations and showers. Tamara has an especially big event ahead. She’s graduating from law school!
This spring I am graduating from law school and graduation attire is causing me huge problems. I need something to wear to the ceremony during the day (in Seattle, the weather should be nice, sixty or seventy and sunny – for once, but the event is at the baseball stadium and dirt and grass are involved in walking) and something for a casual BBQ at night (at my parents, they have a deck with wide holes I tend to fall into and a fire pit).
I would love a top/skirt combo that I could switch just the bottom to jeans/capri’s/whatever for the BBQ. Also, I need an outfit for the ceremony that works with black shoes because my robe is black and I feel like black shoes would probably be the best sticking out the bottom, unless you have something super darling in mind and then I am open to suggestions.
I am 5.5 and a size 4/6, but a tiny bit self conscious so body hugging would freak me out. As for budget, as much as I wish I were on a Jimmy Choo budget, I have to wait until I pass the bar for those so…some constraint is great but, I am also attending 7 weddings this summer so, if the outfit is a tiny bit workable for at least one wedding I can definitely convince my husband that this is a worthwhile graduation gift!
Graduating is so fun! You get to wear a cap and gown and celebrate with all your friend and family. Here’s my recommendation for Tamara:
Sweater– For that perfect coastal weather I know so well. I just bought this cashmere sweater in black on sale. Very cute and something you can wear to the office later!
Shirt – Something about wearing a graduation gown without a collared shirt has always weirded me out.
Skirt – This skirt is pretty, professional enough for a lawyer but fun enough to pair with a different top for a summer wedding.
Shoes – These wedges are adorable in person. My sister has them in white. Red works for this outfit but Nordstrom stores have a wider variety of colors than the online store if you want something else.
Jeans – For hanging out with your family around the fire.
Earrings – A graduation present to yourself!
Headband – Your hair might be kind of wrecked after wearing the graduation cap.
Congratulations Tamara!
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I do have to say those shoes are some of my favorite. And I remember being quite relucant to buy them, something about needing to save money for a huge move across the country or something, but I am quite glad I got them. They give you a great height but are super comfortable and the wedge is essential in rough terrain! Best of luck and congrats on graduating!
that skirt is too cute!
Thanks Emily!! Everything is darling – and lucky me an Anthropologie is practically right next to school so I have a perfect study break! Thank you again