Brrr. When is it going to stop raining? I love…
What to Wear: Flashback
Back in September last year, Kerry requested something for her and her fiance to wear at an engagement photo shoot. My suggestion was solid color basics that would look timeless: J.Crew sweater, jeans and a blazer. She recently sent photos and I thought I’d share:
I know this is so belated, but I wanted to send you a couple pictures from our engagement session. I pretty much bought exactly what you suggested and it was so perfect!
Aren’t they cute?
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how sweet is it that your advice made such an impact?! well done!
Great photo!
a timeless picture. It’s really perfect and I think they’ll still love it in 40 years. 🙂
you are like, dressing the WORLD. it’s like everyone is your little doll to play dress up. they could have just sent you headshots and you could have stuck their heads on those outfits you suggested! i mean that in a nice way.
i will come to you for advice. OR, i’ll just send you a headshot and you can paste it on a well dressed body.
i found you through google reader.