Change is in the air this weekend. It's blowing in…
Wedding Wednesday: Wedding Style Guide
This Australian bridal magazine is my new favorite! Glossy pages filled with elegant ideas in a nice small size. In the issue I received, they’ve got fun bridesmaid outfit ideas, an amazing hair inspiration that I’ll post later and pull out worksheets in the back that you actually want to use. I don’t know if it is the relaxed down-under style or just good editing, but this mag is right in line with my sensibilities.
The ideas for a garden themed shower are particularly nice. Check out the downloadable templates for invitations and other details online. If only international shipping were cheaper!
Next Post: Earth Day Tip: Dishtowels
Previous Post: Wedding Wednesday: Hair Inspiration
Did you order this or find it at a bookstore? I am really liking the looks of the website.
One of their reps sent me a copy. I sent an email asking about places it might be sold in the US, though. Stay tuned!
Apparently someone down under has the same tastes and sensibilities as the (former, fabulous) Blueprint editors. Looks like a beautiful magazine, and makes me wish I were having another wedding!! Hmmm, maybe time for a vow renewal pary? 😉
Hi girls – Jane Cameron here, Creative Director from Wedding Style Guide. I’ve just been reading your wonderful comments and would like to send a big thank you. We are so happy you like our magazine – it’s really nice to get some feedback, especially from the US. To answer a couple of questions about where you can get our magazine – we’ve only just started a small test distribution in the US, so you’re on the very beginning of our marketing campaign and you may struggle to find it. We are in a selected number of Barnes & Noble stores across the country. We hope to have a far greater distribution in the coming months but in the meantime, we can ship to the US for the diehard fans! Once again, thanks so much for the feedback, keep it coming!
Go The Aussies!