Near Hotel de Ville in Paris, there is an amazing…

Bikini season
“If anyone young is reading this, go, right this minute, put on a bikini and don’t take it off until you’re 34” – Nora Ephron
I love that quote! It’s easy to feel bad about your body during bikini season. But it’s even easier to just ignore any discomfort, throw on a suit and get out there while you can.
It helps to have a cute new suit to show off. This Roxy bikini is adorable! And it also helps to have a bit of sun where you live. Today’s high for San Francisco is a balmy 58 degrees!
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Adorable bikini! If you need some sun, come visit out here. I had a dream of a foggy morning… it made me homesick.
Awww! Don’t you just love those foggy montecito morning memories 🙂
I would give anything for a miramar morning right now. I am homesick and really hot.. and hating packing for DC!!!
We are buying our tickets home for Wendy’s wedding today.. that should make me feel better.
Oh no! It sounds like it is going to be a little stressful for you this summer. Does your new dorm have AC?
I’ll send you some California goodies in a care package. Any special requests? We’re going to SLO next weekend if you want anything from home.
i love nora ephron. she is hilarious. i keep meaning to buy her book for my mom because she always says things like that to me. “wear your hair long while you’re young!”
“enjoy being skinny while you’re young, cuz it will go away when you hit 50!”
just a few of her words of wisdom. 🙂
Cute suit. I think I am a bit beyond wearing a bikini.
Nora is so insightful. It wasn’t but a day after I turned 34 when it became apparent to me that the bikini was going to be a challenge for the rest of my life.