This rose lotion from Gianna Rose Atelier is delightful. It…

Weekend Round-Up: Mixed Bouquet
This was a good weekend! Full of lots of creativity, friends and food. And with warm weather too, what more can you ask for?
On Friday, Rob and I went to the climbing gym after work with a friend from the office. I’m trying to move up a grade, so I spent most of the time falling. After climbing, we satiated our appetites with a huge dinner at Pakwan. This inexpensive India/Pakistani is a neighborhood favorite. Loads of curry, naan, lentils, samosas and chicken.
At home, we quickly dropped off our bags and took the subway downtown. A quick visit to Paul and Jordan’s to pick up the printed wedding invitations (the look so good!) and to the Parc 55 hotel to drop off some tourist information for friends visiting from LA.
On Saturday morning, I got up fairly early to prepare for the flower arranging class Nicole and I had registered for. We took the subway downtown and rushed over to the class at 10:00. It was really fun. We learned to make a tulip bouquet, wired corsages, a giant hand wired flower, and a calla lily arrangement.
Loaded down with flowers, Nicole and I took the train back home to drop off our creations and then back downtown to do some shopping. I bought a new pair of aviators at Kenneth Cole, a pair of flats on sale at Nine West, some basics at Old Navy and two pairs of nice linen pants at Club Monaco.
Nicole left at 5:30 and I launched in to the envelope liners for the response cards. At 8:30, we dressed up and walked down to the Mission for a fancy dinner with our friends visiting from Los Angeles. We went a little nuts at Foreign Cinema; ordering two bottles of wine and four courses. We walked back home for a nightcap and then hailed them a taxi around 1:30. I stayed up until 2:30 watching a PBS special on Lucille Ball and didn’t get to bed until three (I think my coffee after dinner wasn’t decaf).
We slept in on Sunday morning and had a leisurely breakfast. At 11:00, we drove to REI, SportsMart and Sports Basement to shop for honeymoon gear. They were having a neighborhood block party at Sports Basement, complete with hot dogs, a beer garden and a fencing exhibit. Fun!
Back at home, we started four loads of laundry and I went to work on printing the liners for the large envelopes. Another 100 sheets of paper through the Gocco machine. Margaret came over at 5:30 and we ate tacos and watermelon while watching Be Kind Rewind (Loved it!).
After the movie ended, we watched Japanese TV for a while. Our new favorite is something that must be called “Cream Puff Robot Show” about a girl who lives in Tokyo, works for a pastry conglomerate, has a good recipe for cream puffs, is courted by multiple beaus and lives with a terminator-style Robot whom she teaches about life. There are no subtitles, but you don’t need to understand what they’re saying to get the awesomeness of this show.
Next Post: What to Wear: Hazy Days
Previous Post: Inspired: Michel Gondry
I was just thinking about using a gocco to print paper for paper for liners. Were you happy with the results? Did you print an all over pattern or was in more of a random pattern, if you don’t mind sharing.
I was happy! I designed a pattern that I could print three times on a sheet of printer paper. It’s time consuming to make it, but convenient if you can’t find what you want.
Here’s a photo of the steps –
I too bought a pair of shoes on sale at NineWest this weekend – all the way in Melbourne, Australia! That was my highlight but it is obvious that you had so many other wonderful things happening to keep you amused. A great summary of your weekend 😉