San Francisco's summer finally arrived - and with it, some…
To Do: Meet Your Neighbors
After my hair appointment last night, Rob and I went to the Duboce Triangle NERT meeting and were instructed to canvas Henry Street. Our mission was to pass out program materials and find new volunteers. It was nice to do some community work, although realistically I had a million things I should have been doing at home.
It was a foggy evening and it felt just like trick-or-treating. We can see the backyards of Henry Street residents from our apartment and I always suspected that they were a little bit fancier than our block. Our canvasing confirmed it. The Henry Street neighbors all seem to live in gorgeous, enormous homes with dogs and kids and oriental carpets. I felt a little shabby about our apartment.
But luckily all our rich neighbors were also friendly and welcoming. Being disturbed by strangers at 7:30 at night didn’t seem to phase most of them (many were in their evening boxers and t-shirts). At least a dozen were interested in NERT and introduced themselves to us. Go San Francisco!
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