I had to do my best TV make-up treatment for…

Urban Advent: December 10
This photo is from last night. On our walk home from the movie party at 11pm, just beyond the Christmas tree lot on our block that smells so intoxicating.
Up in a round bay window, a single guy was putting layer after layer of white lights on an enormous pine tree. It was a bright beacon of holiday spirit in the dark night.
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What a sweet photo. Once on Christmas Eve I was in Paris, at the Notre Dame, walking along and I looked up for some reason (it was raining) and saw a little boy in his room playing swords all by himself, in his footie pijamas, in his huge bedroom supposedly asleep and waiting for Santa 😛 I love moments like that, I wish I had had a camera.
Beautiful, Emily. Thanks for sharing.
this is incredibly beautiful. the grand windows, some aglow, some darkened & the scene you word painted to accompany your photo. thank you.