I had an extra amount of work to take care…

Valentine’s Day Giveaway
Valentine’s Day. Despite not being a huge fan in general, I am fond of the glue, glitter and construction paper aspect of the holiday. My perfect version would include mailing lopsided cards to friends and eating Chinese delivery by candlelight.
Valentine’s fan or not, everyone can appreciate a good mix CD of love songs. And not just your average everyday love songs, these are handpicked seriously good songs.
Comment below before Sunday at midnight for a chance to win one of two mix CD and Valentine’s Day goody envelopes from yours truly.
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I don’t know if you watch Lost, but I loved it when Kate wouldn’t sleep with Sawyer and he asked her if he should make her a mix tape.
I’d love this one!
What a fun giveaway. It’s always interesting to hear music that others are into.
I’d love this…it would make my taco salad evening even more fun. Thanks!
my favorite part of valentine’s day is making a mix for my bestest friends each year. i’d love to win your version. thanks for hosting this great idea of a giveaway.
Oooh, my fingers are crossed!
I would love to win this! Valentines Day is always a bummer for me cause my bf is a chef and it’s one of their busiest days. This would definitely cheer me up!
What a fun idea! Here’s wishing you a happy Valentine’s Day (in advance). 🙂
P.S. My sister is coming to S.F. for spring break, and I advised her to read your blog for ideas on ways to enjoy the city. She loves it!
I would love some Valentine’s music! Here’s to lucky number 8!
yes, yes, i love that aspect of the holiday as well. the camaraderie & the beautiful messiness of creating & loving.
a mixtape selected by you sounds fabulous! thank you, miss emily.
Ah, the mixed tape. What could be better?
yes please! and i love the sound of your ideal valentine’s day.
I am totally with you; the crafty aspect is the best part of the holiday 🙂 But a mix tape would be an excellent addition
aw. you’re a doll… i love that you are giving away a “mixed tape”…and i would love even more for it to end up in my grabby little hands… mostly because i’m nosy that way and am totally wondering what you will put on it…
A mix tape? That brings me right back to grade school… in a good way.
My husband and I don’t really celebrate Valentine’s day, but I always like to make a little craft or card or heart-shaped cookies for my girlfriends. That’s the fun part.
I like being able to hang out with my boy on Valentine’s Day. Sometimes, its fun to get dressed up and celebrate. Sometimes, its fun just to hang out on the sofa, watch netflix videos, and eat homemade chocolate covered strawberries!
Sure hope I win the mix… I LOVE MIX TAPES!
It’s gonna be hard to walk this weekend if I have to keep my fingers and toes crossed until Monday.
What a great idea! By the way..I’m a new reader, and I love your site.
I love music and maybe even hearing music that is new to me! Thank you for such a good giveway.
I’m with you, I make cheesy construction paper cards for my husband each year–this will be his 9th one! And I can’t imagine how great a little goody package from you would be (no pressure!) 🙂
No Hallmark card for me. This would be much better.
love this! my first love and i made mix tapes and cds for each other way back in the late 90s! ha! oh and love the scene from “high fidelity” involving the process of making a mix tape for someone you like.
By far the best songs to add are the classics, including “Signed, Sealed, Delivered” by Stevie Wonder.
What a great giveaway! Happy Valentines Day 🙂
Hope to win 🙂
When I was in college I had a long-distance romance and we had a cassette tape that we would mail back and forth adding a song for each other with each mailing. It was so much fun and I could hardly wait to get that tape back each time to see what he added to it. I can’t believe it’s been 25 years since then – this post reminded me of that special time! Thanks, Mrs. Em!!
I hate valentines day – but love a good mixed tape.
Fun idea! I never used to be much into Val. day, but now that I have a “valentine”, I’ll admit it is a little more fun. In general, though, it is very commercialized and unnecessarily stressful for some. Would love a mix tape!
My birthday is February 12th, so I’ve always loved Valentine’s Day as I’m still in birthday afterglow 🙂 Although when I was little I hated pink, lace, and all things girly, I now embrace my destiny!
ps I love music, especially gifted mixes!
I already know you make a really awesome mix CD, and I would be thrilled to have another one! xoxo
who can say no a mix tape?? (not me)
Super fun 🙂 Who doesn’t love a good music mix?
What a great giveaway! Reminds me of my junker high school car that had no cd player – cassette tapes only. My friend and I spent endless hours with my stereo making mix tapes so I could listen to SOMETHING 🙂
Yay, I love mix tapes!
Oo oo! Yes please. Valentines is spent eat take-away chinese and mainlining vodka while watching Body Heat and Fatal Attraction but more music should be incorporated.
I could use some valentine’s cheer as my hubby with be off with the boys that weekend.
I can’t wait to see what’s on your mix tape!
What a great giveaway! I love that you mention Chinese takeout by candlelight – for the past few years, this has been our Valentine’s Day ritual. Takeout + champagne + homemade creme brulee (my hubby’s fave).
This is great! During the first year that my fiance and I were dating, we made a mix cd every month, blending both of our musical tastes. At the end of the year, we made a “Best Of” mix cd. The mix each month did not last, but we still make a “Best Of” mix for our friends and family members for Christmas. It is one of my favorite new traditions!
Cute idea! Count me in.
My sweetie’s favorite candy of all time are the candy hearts you can only find around Valentine’s Day. He has already eaten his weight in them this year, since they day he saw them in stores, so I am going to buy a bag or two and stash them away for another time of the year, when he least expects it. For actual Valentine’s Day I am making a homemade collage card and a mix tape would be the perfect accompaniment! Thanks!
Ooooh, how AWESOME is this!
I’m not a huge fan either but this year looks like it might be fun. That’s if I win this.
One of my most memorable Valentine’s Days was back in 1987. We lived in Olympia, Washington and it was a rainy day of course.
Being a SF girl, I loved Chinese restaurants (REAL ones) but Oly was lacking. My husband-to-be found one and we had take out and watched out the window while the rain turned to snow.
He didn’t relate it to Valentine’s Day at all (still doesn’t!) but I have never forgotten!
Thanks for the reminder.
Emily you are so sweet to do giveaway’s! It’d be cool to hear your taste in music, since your taste in food, clothing, getaways, weddings, etc is phenom!
What a lovely giveaway! We loooooove mix tapes.
I was the mix tape master back in the day! Would love to see what you come up with Emily!
I’m totally with ya’ on the chinese delivery thing…I hate going out on V-day, it’s such a hassle. Too many crowds, generally not really romantic.
I’m like you, loving the “homemade and heartfelt” aspects of the holiday! I make a chocolate heart-shaped cake every year and frost it with vanilla icing, with red and pink sprinkles on top.
It’s a hit!
What a cute idea.
I think in the beginning of my relationship with my husband V-Day was so important… but I don’t know if it’s time or growing cynicism that makes me realize that’s it’s about every day love and not just once a year thing.
That being said, I also enjoy glitter and home made cards, and will be doing just that on Sunday!
Who doesn’t love a mixed tape? I know I love mixed tapes!!!
What a lovely idea!
Ooh ooh! Me me!
We have our own holiday (I know, cheesy but it's a good story) & celebrate with movies plus chinese takeout every year. My kinda date.
so fun! I love mixes!
this sounds like it would be so fun to win 🙂
best giveaway ever — i adore mix tapes!!
I am all about mix tapes. The best one I ever did for my husband had an accompanying mini-scrapbook that detailed the reason for each song. It’s been awhile – might need to do that again.
i loved making mixed so much; i would make these elaborate collages on the tapes and make my own covers. ……..Oh I miss those days.
Yay for mix tapes!! Fun giveaway.
What a fun idea!
Oh how fun. I love mix tapes!
(well, mix _CDs_ really,but that just doesn’t roll of the tongue as well, you know?) 🙂
Happy Valentine’s Mrs Em!
Sounds like a great Valentine’s Day to me!
What a cute idea! I love your blog & all of your creative ideas!
I ♥ Emily Style!
Love Valentine’s Day!
what a great idea!?!
i use v-day as an excuse to watch cheesy movies all week and to get a couples massage!
happy valentines day!
Cuteness! I need to get back in the habit of making mixes–it’s so fun to listen to them from years past.
Oooooh, it’s bound to be a lovely creation. Way to brighten up the drab month of February!
What a cute idea! As a music major, I’m always excited to hear new music, and I won’t be with my boyfriend for valentine’s day due to a music educator’s convention.
Happy early Valentine’s Day!
I love mix cds!
Wahoo! Haven’t had a mix tape in ages…crossing my fingers.
I love when you do give-aways!
Love is grand in all it’s aspects…color, taste, texture and, of course, music. Even the……….”silly love songs.”
Please enter me, I would love to win the mix tape.
Man, a mix tape! talk about a blast from the past! Love it.
I can’t even remember the last time I have gotten a mixed cd!
kkondek at gmail.com