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Things I Love Today: Ikea Glasses
These little svalka glasses from Ikea are my new favorite thing. Small, simple and sturdy.
Rob and I bought three sets last weekend. We’ve already used them to serve wine (so “continental”) and juice. I think they’d be amazing with layered trifle
for dessert or even planted with succulents.
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i think IKEA dishes and glasses are a great deal, the prices are low but the quality is really not different than somewhere like C&B. Of course its not fine china but for everyday dishes its hard to beat. I think we are getting a whole new set of dishes there after we move, and some new wine glasses.
Juice glasses for wine are my fave. Cheers!
Love miniature glasses for desserts! I use 6 3/4 oz tulip glasses (the “Coca-Cola” style) to do a dark chocolate-Guinness mousse topped with a white chocolate mousse and it looks like a mini pint of Guinness…perfect signature dessert for the pubs!
IKEA is great for casual entertaining. Last year I bought 2 dozen (made in Italy!) glasses for $1 each, 2 dozen beige colored plates on sale for $1 each or something, 18 wine glasses for $1 each and now I’m all set for summer parties. Even better, my friends can borrow them for their parties too. No more plastic/paper:)