I loved this film. Classic Hepburn-Tracy with the added benefit…

Trend: Tandem Bike
Our tandem commuting craziness is catching on. Last night we saw another couple riding Market Street home from work. And then, on the way to visit some special paintings (whee!) in progress we saw another tandem parked in the Mission.
If you’re not ready to splurge on a bicycle built for two, maybe this rubber stamp from Etsy will do for now.
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I love hearing about your tandem commuting! We were looking into getting a tandem, because I'm still scared of riding in the city, but decided we don't have enough room in our place to store it. I ended up getting my own bike, and I really like the city biking lifestyle. So many more bakery and brunch spots are open to me now because it's so easy to get around.
Good for you! Biking in cities can be a little scary but there are lots of studies that show it is safer than driving. Wear lots of lights at night!
I saw this and thought of you:
I've never ordered from them, but everything on their website is adorable!