What happened to this week?! Oh, right. Lady Gaga, friends…

Weekend Round-Up: Kicking off the Holidays
It really feels like the holidays after this festive weekend. On Friday, we came home from work and went straight to the Christmas tree lot down the street. Our tradition is to buy a tree fresh off the truck, still wrapped up, and carry it home.
Pizza delivery and Bing Crosby as we unwrapped the tree and set it up in the living room. It’s a beauty this year, and super fragrant too.
The next morning, Rob got up early for a bike ride and I read in the living room. When he got back with had oatmeal and coffee for breakfast. A leisurely morning spent cleaning house in preparation for the next day’s party.
At 1:30, we drove to the east bay to visit some old family friends and make a stop at Ikea. On the way back, we had a nice view of the city from the bridge.
Back at home, we kicked into full party prep mode. A quick run to the grocery store before we spent the night boiling potatoes, slicing oranges and grapefruit, assembling skewers, polishing silver, seeding pomegranates and making flower arrangements. Rob is a great helper! To bed with a cup of chamomile tea around eleven.
Up the next morning at nine. There wasn’t much left to do in the morning before the party. I baked the ham, made lox bagels, baked cinnamon rolls, made coffee, heated up skewers and put pomegranate seeds in glasses for mimosas:
By 11:00, we were pretty much ready. Margaret came over early with some last minute supplies and the guests started to arrive right on the dot a half hour later.
The party was one happy blur of friends, food and drinks! It went by like a flash. And our final total was 21 people…how did we manage to fit that many in the apartment?! I’ll share more photos and details tomorrow.
A lazy afternoon after the guests departed. I always love the quiet time after a party ends. Margaret, Rob and I sat around eating leftovers and watching GI Joe. A relaxing evening washing dishes in the sink and picking up.
Next Post: Advent Calendar: December 7
Previous Post: Advent Calendar: Spiced Citrus Salad
This sounds so lovely… I forget that you can have parties during the day, too… it sounds wonderful. I love the preparation too. You are inspiring me to pull together my own holiday gig…
I love the quiet moments after a party too. You can truly relax and breathe and revel in the beauty of your home and each other's company!
I had such a blast, Emily! Thanks for having me! I want more of those potatoes! ha!
Looks like a great party! Selfish request – your "Gifts for men" has been a complete lifesaver in past years. My husband and yours have similar taste I think. If you get a chance, it would be great to get a 2009 version.
I'm on it!
Thank you so much! Anonomous lurker, but I think I've been reading your blog since 2006. I walk down Market from Hayes Valley to Embarcadero for work and see you on your tandem often.
Thanks again for the gift ideas! The water purifying stick was a big hit last yer.
Ha! That's too funny that you see us on the bike every now and again. Would you be interested in de-lurking and coming to an LAC party?
Thank you so much for the invitation! Is spotty attendance tolerated? I unfortunately travel too much for regular gatherings like LAC. (Greetings from Norfolk, VA, off to Abu Dhabi next week.). I'll shout if I see you again!