What a wild weekend! Everything went just perfectly and all…

Weekend Round-Up: Light and Dark
Rob was away for a bike camping trip this weekend. I missed him, of course, but it was nice to catch up on being lazy on my own for a few days.
On Friday, I went out for drinks with co-workers and ate pizza at the neighborhood bistro. Home and to bed by 10:30. I made myself sleep in the next morning and lazed about until lunch, doing a couple chores and watching a movie.
At noon, I took the train to the Mission to help a friend with her wedding invitations. After my wedding invites and my sister’s, I’m quite the pro at cutting out envelope liners. In the afternoon, they dropped me off on Haight Street to shop for a vintage gown. I bought the first dress I tried on in the first store I visited for $50. Fastest gown shopping yet! It was gorgeous and springy by the park.
Back home by train after running some errands in Cole Valley. I spent the evening shopping for shoes to match my dress. Up early the next morning to grocery shop for the party. I made muesli for the week ahead. Rob arrived home at noon and Margaret came over at 2:00. The three of us prepped the house for the big party:
Chores finished, we walked to the Ferry Building to buy bread and admire the new Health Ceramics stall.
And then we sat on our favorite pier with a couple cold drinks and watched the boats come under the bridge.
At 5:30, it was time to head home and finish last minute prep for the party. Such a fun night! Look for a party recap in the next post.
Next Post: Coming Soon: Weekend Details
Previous Post: Party Recipe: Earthquake Commemoration
may I ask what store on Haight you bought your gown? I need to start looking for a long dress soon for a formal wedding I'm attending and would love to find something vintage.
I found this one at Decades of Fashion. La Rosa across the street is another ringer.
whats the gown for?
Black and White Ball!
Where did you get your champagne glasses? I love the shape! They're gorgeous.