I ran across this amazing article on the Gourmet Magazine…

Book Report: The Elegance of Hedgehogs
I loved The Elegance of Hedgehogs! You can’t really go wrong with a swanky apartment building, existential phenomenology (go college!) and Paris. Come for the cute title, stay for the excellent writing.
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I loved it too! I wasn't totally sure for the first few chapters, but it sucked me right in.
No matter how you enjoy it and in which language, Muriel Barbery's book is great (in my opinion!).
We listened to it "en famille" as an audiobook in German on a long car trip to Brittany, then saw the movie in French while we were there last summer and I picked the book up to read "properly", too, it's just got a certain charm, right?! One for Amélie fans, I think.
I shall be curious to see/hear/read it in English (my mothertongue) and see if it lost anything in translation, as the German was really well done…
thank you for reminding me it's in my pile of books to be read..I'm starting it now. I also bought The Potato Peel Pie Society or some such title at the same time..and it was a lovely English read..try it if you haven't ..I think it's your "sensibility" 🙂