The printed blouse I wore rowing on Monday is from…

Weekend Round-Up: Big Basin
So, before DC and Palo Alto…there was a weekend. It seems like ages ago, but was very fun. On Friday night, I went out with the ladies from work and things got a little nuts. We hit up some of the hottest spots in SOMA.
I woke up the next day feeling a little rough. But I managed to get my bags packed and in the car to pick up Margaret. Rob had arranged a bike camping trip to Big Basin with a few of his riding friends. While they pedaled 70+ miles, Margaret and I had fun setting up the camp on our own.
We had time for a nice hike through the state park after set-up. Big Basin was founded in 1902 and is the oldest state park in California. It’s amazingly ferny and mossy with giant redwood trees. So pretty!
And a surprising amount of taxidermy too. Even some scary guys that you could take home with you as a souvenir.
The bike riders arrived at 7:00 and we set up a big fire. Dinner and plenty of roasted marshmallows around the fire before bed. The next morning, we had breakfast and Margaret dropped me off at the airport at 10 for my flight to DC.
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