Jessica wrote in with a request about one of my…
Halloween Decor
The decorations for Saturday’s ball are starting to come together. This cut felt spiderweb runner is from Pier 1 for only $9. It’s similar to a version I liked at Crate & Barrel but couldn’t justify for $30. And it also comes in placements!
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Very cute Emily!! On Regis and Kelly live this a.m., they had a guest decorator on who did a really beautiful and yummy table runner. She dumped candy corn from one end of the table to the other (in the center of course), sat little and mini pumpkins on top and white chubby candles in between. Then she did a craft where she glue-gunned candy corn with the yellow on the inside to a styrofoam ball. These look great with ribbons, hanging from tree branches sticking out of a gorgeous vase or different sizes in a bowl or vase. Happy decorating!