This weekend was all about the holiday parties. On Friday,…

Weekend Round-Up: Brunch
The weekend got off to a rocky start when I woke up Friday feeling rotten from a fresh cold. With the big party on Sunday, I had to get better, stat. I hibernated immediately. Homemade chicken soup, tea with honey and 20 hours of sleep.
I woke up on Saturday miraculously cured! Immune system FTW! Oatmeal and grapefruit for breakfast with Rob before he headed to work for a few hours. I spent the morning prepping for the holiday party. I put lights on the tree, ironed tablecloths, chopped bread and cleaned house.
At 2:30, it was time to drive across town to help Seth, Amy and baby move in to their new apartment. We unloaded the rental truck and I drove back across town with Seth to return it. Takeout Indian dinner at their place before heading home to prepare the rest of the food. I cooked greens, boiled potatoes, baked bacon and seeded pomegranates. Hard time sleeping due to excitement!
Sunday morning, up briefly at 6 to throw the ham in the oven. A couple hours later, Rob and I downed coffee and decorated the Christmas tree. Some mixing, some dish-washing, mostly just throwing pans in the oven before the guests started to arrive at 10:30.
Great party! The 18lb ham we got at Roberts was amazing! We knocked off all but a couple pounds. All the food was crazy good. I’ll post recipes this week.

After the party, we sat around drinking the last of the champagne with a couple friends and picking up. A quick nap for me and a spin on the bike for rob. I dived in on Christmas cards and silver polishing for the rest of the day.
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