Last night's party prep went really well. Not only did…

Weekend Round-Up: Summer in February
I know it’s a snowy mess in most of the country right now – so I hate to point out the record-breaking warm temperatures we had in San Francisco for the weekend. Highs in the mid 70’s…in February?! Well, best to enjoy it while it lasted.
On Friday night, I left a work event celebrating Chinese New Year for the February Bike Party ride with Rob. It was starting to warm up in the evening – a perfect night for 10 miles around the city. We peeled off after a live music performance at Dolores Park. Into bed about midnight.
I slept in until 10 the next morning. Oatmeal and coffee for breakfast in the morning. We met up with Margaret at noon and drove to the park to enjoy the gorgeous day. We had a delicious picnic while waiting for the archery range. A couple hours of shooting in the sun.
Now 4:30, we headed to Baker Beach for a sunset walk along the water. The beach was packed with pale locals enjoying a bit of sun. Aren’t these wild strawberries pretty?
Home quickly, before bussing it across town for a house party. The Bicycle Coalition valet supervisors gathered for a celebration dinner – a feast! Delicious macaroni and cheese with crab, bacon and jalapeno along with other delicious dishes. All followed by a bonfire of old claim tickets on the patio. Great night!
Home by taxi at midnight and straight to bed. We had an early start on Sunday. Rob had to be at work at 8 – so we had coffee and the paper in a hurry. Margaret came over at 8:30 and we drove to the Alameda Flea Market. Blazing hot out at the water. I didn’t find the big furniture I was looking for (dining room table, bookshelf, screen) but I did get a lovely Japanese chrysanthemum print. Margaret picked up a stool and a frying pan. Lots and lots of sunscreen application as we walked the miles of booths.

I dropped off Margaret at 1:00, ran to the store and then took the bus straight to a friend’s Super Bowl party. Mmm…I love dip, so these parties are always fun. We sweated it out together in the hot afternoon with artichoke dip, onion dip and buffalo chicken dip – among other tasty food and margaritas.

Rob came to pick me up in the third quarter – I was wiped out from the long day. Straight into my pajamas at 6:30.
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Sounds like an incredible weekend! I cannot believe that you have strawberry blossoms in February! I come from Boston, where we don't get flowers at all until mid-April at least!
Is is just me, or does the japanese print fit perfectly into the Downtown Abbey room You just featured 😉