Props to Forever 21 for having some really cute items…

Weekend Round-Up: Lounging
This was a very leisurely weekend – exactly what I needed before crazy-work September officially starts. On Friday, Rob and I worked late and came home to relax. We bought a new juicer and went through a couple pounds of nectarines trying it out. Yum, delicious results!
Saturday, Rob and I got up early to bike, he went up Twin Peaks and I rode the trainer. We walked down to breakfast at the Ferry Building together and hung out with all the foodies. At 11:00, I met Margaret at H&M for a shopping frenzy. We spend a full two hours at two different locations of the store – they have some really great items for fall and Margaret is a perfect shopping buddy.
Dashed off after shopping to take the card to my hair appointment in Dogpatch at 2:15. Back home after to pick up Rob and drive to Sears down in San Bruno. New oven! Our old one has been broken for ages, only heating up to 150 degrees.
Back home to lounge about, we convinced Margaret and Sean to come over for an impromptu dinner party at 8:00.
Watermelon juice cocktails, fish tacos with chimichurri, fresh salads, chocolates and lots of card games!
Up early again on Sunday to head south for a mini vacation. Rob and I drove down to San Jose to bike Coyote Creek trail. 32 miles of rolling, dedicated bike path along oak trees, reservoirs and old farms. We raced the entire way back, big workout.
After the ride, Rob and I drove to Los Gatos and checked in to our hotel. My parents gave me a gift certificate to the Hotel Los Gatos as a birthday present (almost a year ago, oops!). We dropped our bags off in the room and walked around town. Late lunch at the Purple Onion. Los Gatos is quite fancy with lots of shops, restaurants and big historical homes with immaculately groomed gardens. Back at the hotel in the evening to lounge by the pool.

Setup for an Indian wedding quickly took over the patio. It was quite nice to be swimming along to the string quartet before the event got going! Champagne and pizza delivery in our huge suite for dinner.
More swimming in the morning and a big continental breakfast. We packed up and headed back to the city in time for a Labor Day BBQ at Sean’s. The sun even poked out in the Richmond for the event. Onion dip, kosher dogs, potato salad….the works!
Back home at 4:00. Laundry and clean-up from the weekend. 3 mile run along the water at 6:00. Look for a bunch of What to Wear posts over the next few days – we got some wonderful requests over the weekend!
Next Post: Happy Labor Day Weekend!
Previous Post: What to Wear: Business Travel
What does that mean, 'rode the trainer'?
The trainer is a like a treadmill for your bicycle. It turns a regular bike into an exercise bike.
oh, it just sounded like something else…..