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Book Report: My Family & Other Animals
Do you have a favorite summer book? My preference is for travel novels set around 1910-1940, with My Family and Other Animals topping the list.
It’s the charming true story of a British family moving to Greece and living in a villa by sea in the 1930’s, as told by the youngest nature-obsessed son. The descriptions of exploring sun-drenched gardens and tracking beetles in the rose bushes make it feel so much like summer – even when it’s a classic May 50 degrees and foggy outside in San Francisco.
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I have always loved this book. One day I will make it to Greece! So happy to see someone post about this book. No one ever knows what I am talking about when I mention it.
My mother and I both loved and love Gerald Durrell books – he came from such a beautifully eccentric family!
Of course, he went on to be a very big name in the world of naturalists…
Must reread this sometime soon 😉