Andrea wrote in with a great request for the weekend…

Weekends: Mountain Life
Did you have a nice long weekend? Rob, Nicole and I headed up to the mountains for Labor Day. We drove out of the city on Friday afternoon. With the Bay Bridge closed for construction, there was SO much traffic. It took us over 7 hours to get to our campsite outside of Lassen National Park.
We stayed at Battle Creek Campground, outside the South entrance. Very pretty and quiet.
First thing Saturday, we hiked up to the top of Lassen Peak. At 10,400 feet – this rocky, volcanic peak is surprisingly pretty and covered with purple lupin and low red shrubbery. It’s currently only open a few days a year while they work on the trail.
The view from the top is amazing. Hard to believe the last eruption was only a little over 100 years ago.
After the hike, Rob went for a bike ride while Nicole and I drove 30 miles to Chester for the nearest gas station. We stopped at the lake for a quick walk, then picked up pie and a fresh peach milkshake at this roadside cafe.
Leisurely night cooking around the campfire. We got up early on Sunday for another hike: Bumpass Hell. This mini-Yellowstone has bubbling 200 degree sulfur pools.
It was much colder on Sunday, so we moved quickly. So many wildflowers again, very surprising!
Those sulfur pools were equally impressive and smelly.
We had a nice lunch by the lake and then went hiking to Kings Creek Falls.
We drove out of the park and headed to Redding for the night. Checked in to the Travelodge, showered and walked down the street to have dinner with Rob’s friend Rich and his adorable young family. Hot tub and then to bed.
On Monday morning, we drove north to the Sacramento River to take a fly-fishing lesson with a local guide. Nicole and I were left in the river to practice while the guys left to drop a car downstream. The river was super warm.
Four hours and five miles down the river by boat later – we didn’t catch any fish. It was a lot of fun staring them down and practicing our casting, though.
Straight from fishing to the freeway. We bombed back home and made great time! Back to the real world.
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