I don't know how it was in your neck of…

A Fun Passports & Travel Daisy Troop Meeting
Our third Girl Scout Troop meeting was the best one yet! Although, the girls seem to no longer be intimidated by Margaret and me and are becoming a tiny bit less well-behaved.
We focused on a travel theme for the start of our year’s “journey” as a Daisies. I’ve been finding that all the fun craft supplies I’ve hoarded for years are perfect for these meetings!
Meeting No. 3 Agenda
- Make luggage tags with a fantastic Yellow Owl stamp set my friend Rebecca gave me years ago and manila tags. Draw how you’re feeling on the back.
- Friendship circle: Practicing the Girl Scout pledge and firm handshakes.
- Talk about how we’re feeling today using the luggage tag drawings.
- Introduce the Daisy Flower Friends who represent the Girl Scout Law.
- Pass around old passports and travel journals to talk about journeys and stamps you earn along the way.
- Craft table: Cut and staple your own pretend passport using this template.
- Stamp activity: Each girl had to politely ask another to stamp her passport.
- Closing circle: Magic penny song, friendship squeeze.
Previous Post: Mushroom Campanelle with Oregano and Lime