After all the fun of exploring and blogging in France,…

Dear Lucille: A Belated Month Ten
We’ve been busy! Your 10th month feels divided into two parts: the bustling weeks as we prepared to go to Europe and then a happy stay in Hampshire with friends.
You had a bunch more “firsts” this month, including your first slide and first stairs at Dolores Park. You are a determined little person!
You are fascinated with teeth now that you have four of your own. You are always trying to put your fingers in other people’s mouths. Your cousin Eleanor is not a fan of that move.
You’re still a good eater. Cheese is one of your favorite foods, but you like almost anything that you’re allowed to pick up yourself. Sweet berries are another favorite!
You can sort of “play” at the park now. You mostly like standing and watching other kids run around. You’re starting to wave, but only occasionally.
I packed up my hospital-grade breast pump and returned it to the parenting store before we left the country. The end of an era! I easily spent over 850 hours with this pump. It’s all worth it for such a happy, healthy girl.
You really bloomed when we were in England. You loved having two eager teenage girls around to play with all the time.
You learned to really crawl in Lymington. First, just for short bursts and then quickly all over the place.
You discovered that pushing your stroller around and around was endlessly fun.
Your pointing skills advanced significantly.
You went on your first bike ride this month too. You thought it was so great, and then promptly fell asleep!
You are so good at pulling your hat down over your eyes and checking out for a deep nap in the stroller. This supreme sleeping skill is something you inherited from me and your grandfather.
You are the best!
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