It feels like I've been pregnant FOREVER now, doesn't it?…

Things I love today: Hable Construction
I just discovered this new site and I am obsessed already. Look at the adorable oven mits! The garden gifts! The throw pillows! My personal favorites include this starfish pillow, the fern pillow and the fig pillow. I think jean would like the caladium pillow the best.
Good job Hable Construction, I am overdosing on adorableness!
Next Post: June!
Previous Post: Bargain finder: Cheaper pillows
SO CUTE! Oh lordy. Man. Makes me want to be really crafty and try to make them. Possible? Or no, horrible horrible idea? Kickball plans?
We could totally make them! You wouldn’t even have to sew…just get some good felt and some iron seam!
Kickball is at 7 – no plans. Ideas?
Let’s try! yay for craftiness! Our friends Ben and Stacey are coming tonight. I am supposed to go to an Alcatraz tri meeting at 6 but not sure if I am even signed up for volunteering or not. Trent is kinda sicky, probably won’t go to the bars much afterwards. Hmm, I dunno!
tri meeting at 6 and kickball at 7? Is that enough time?
I think I am gonna skip the meeting. I never really signed up anyways, and it sounds like there are PLENTY of volunteers. Maybe I’ll go watch. Anyways, so no plans before kickball. Wanna bus it?
Bus sounds good to me! Want to meet at your place? Grab some food first?
Ya definitely come on by. I will whip something yummy up, sayyy around 6? Or we can grab something from the haight if I can’t scrounge something up.
We’ll play it by ear. I’ll call you when I leave work.