I learned something new today! Behold, the Tulipiere! Isn't it…

Weekend Round-Up: Rain & Babies
What an exciting weekend! It started Friday night with tickets to see Madama Butterfly at the opera. Dinner of shawarmas at a little deli near City Hall, currently lit up orange in support of the Giants!

Great show. I loved the staging of this Madama Butterfly production which included a beautiful rotating stage with a Japanese home and garden. And dastardly Pinkerton was booed during the conclusion – completely deserved.
Sunday morning, I hopped on the bike for a bit of exercise. At 11:00, I met up with Elizabeth & Kevin at SFMOMA for a bit of art, followed by a walk up to Chinatown for a dim sum lunch and some shopping. We walked from Chinatown all the way down to the Caltrain station before parting ways.
Grocery shopping, lugging heavy bags back home and then a lot of cooking in preparation for the next day’s baby shower. Rob came home at 7:00 and we quickly headed out again for a big dinner with Seth and Amy at Salt House.
Great dinner with the parents-to-be. It was supposed to be a celebration before her scheduled delivery on Wednesday, they even had plans to paint their apartment on Monday! But we got the call at midnight that they were headed to the hospital. They had the baby at 3:30 am!
Up early the next morning. I bundled up to meet a friend for breakfast at Red’s. A cold and rainy day – just right for October. I walked up to the Ferry Building to buy bread for the baby shower at Acme and walked home along the water as it started to really pour.
Perfect weather for putting together a luncheon. I listened to This American Life, chopped, ironed and decorated for the rest of the morning while it rained outside. Margaret arrived at 1:30 with cake and the guests arrived at 2:00.

Lovely time, relaxing and fun. More details about the science and math themed baby shower in a separate post!
Leisurely party pick up after. Our friend Rich from Redding dropped by on his way out of town for a plate of “lady food” from the shower and a cup of tea. Rob arrived back from work shortly after and we had a nice catch up all together. Margaret and Rich took off in the evening, leaving us to prepare for the week ahead.
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Previous Post: Inspired: Cork Case
Congrats Seth and Amy!! What's the name? Yesterday was a big "babies being born" day!
Her name is Rowan! Our hairstylist Nikki also had a baby over the weekend. Super cute!
Cute! Maybe I should make an appointment with Nikki when I am home.. my favorite girl just left and I am tired of finding new people!
If she is back from maternity leave, that is!