There are many reasons why I'm glad I have 12+…

Things I Love Today: Hand Mask
Back of the hand skin is not usually very appealing. Hands have been places, done things. Mine are a little freckled, a little wrinkled, muscled from climbing, with a scar on the right from a neighborhood cat and on the left from an upholstering accident with my 1980 volkswagen rabbit.
This softening mask from L’Occitane is truly a miracle solution for hands. I bought it on a whim during their last sale and am hooked.
Just rub it on like lotion, let it dry and rub off. Voila! Smooth, less elephant-looking hands. It’s the little things, right?
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sounds like one of those perfect little luxeries. 🙂
I need to stock up on my Lemon Verbana lotion so I’m going to buy some of this. 1 lovely little tidbit for you. The Four Seasons in Mexico City’s toiletries are all L’Occitane…beautiful!!
Ooo! Rob’s always trying to get me to go to Mexico City.