Articles Written By: mrsem

This author has written 3874 articles


Oh Haiti...already the poorest country and now hit with this. Earthquakes are so awful. Yes, donate right away to the Red Cross and other worthy…
To Do: Shade Garden

To Do: Shade Garden

When things settle down a bit and it stops being freezing cold, I can't wait to do some work in our new patio garden.It's a…
Sick, again

Sick, again

Just when I successfully beat down a cold after Christmas, another one has toppled me this week. I woke up on Monday feeling like I'd…
For Sale!

For Sale!

A bit of shameless self promotion: If you're in the Bay Area, check out the desk with chair and freestanding candle fireplace I have for…

To Do: Weekend!

I don't know about you, but for me: longest...week...ever. Equally packed with hard, hard work and a big wins at the office. A real nose…
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