I did a three month European tour in college, it…

New Year’s Resolutions
New Year’s resolutions…if I don’t write them down there’s no hope of actually achieving them. After some not so careful deliberation, here are a few of my best New Year’s resolutions for 2006:
- Update my bedding and toss some of the old stuff (I am cheating…this one is already done)
- Organize the hall closet (also already done…such a cheater!)
- Stop being a cheat
- Cook healthier meals a few times a week. Cheeze-its accompanied by macaroni and cheese is not a balanced diet
- Watch less television
- Buy fewer things from Wet Seal and more things from Saks
- More dinner parties and Ladies Activity Club parties
- More exploring new parts of San Francisco
- Eat at those thai, indian and italian restaurants around the corner
- Less anal retentiveness
- Plant those white tulip bulbs that have been in the fridge for months
- Replace the last of the wire hangers with plastic
- Put together the 2005 photo album
- Eventually take those 10 pairs of worn out heels to the cobbler
- Find a new hair stylist, one who may actually pretend to like his clients
- Be fabulous!
Happy New Year!
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