San Francisco is notoriously casual. You can wear jeans and…

Things I love today: Small things
I just spent waaay to much money on new bedding from Macy’s white sale online. Time to stop and reflect on the smaller, more affordable lovely things out there. Goodness knows I shouldn’t be dropping that kind of money again for a few weeks:
Handpainted Ceramic Floral Knob – With a name like that could it be from anywhere other than Anthropologie?! Predictable twits! Anyway, for $5.95 wouldn’t these be a cute replacement for your current bathroom cabinet knobs?
Tulip Bulbs “Anqelique” – If I had a garden and ample time, I would plan massive rows of these gorgeous pink tulips. I would also garden wearing a skirt and matching gloves, but that’s a different neurosis for a different time.
Ultimate Gel Glitter Pens – I have a thing for a glitter pens…a full on thirteen year old girl crush on glitter pens. If I weren’t so “professional” I would do all my work in glitter pens and stickers.
Extreme V-neck Top – Ah, Wet Seal…let me count the ways I secretly, shamefully love you. I know I am twice as old as your target market, but my love will go on.
Metal Clasp Envelopes – Is there any limit to the number of things you could skillfully organize with a set of these babies? I just sorted my glove collection into envelopes as a New Year’s resolution and I have to report is was wholly therapeutic. Forget Prozac, try putting things neatly into envelopes. (for pete’s sake, I am so anal)
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