A four-foot-tall pink jellyfish chandelier...three courses of delicious seafood...one ridiculous…

Urban girl almanac:
Another week, another set of urban girl lessons learned. This week the weather has gone from unseasonably warm (Sunday) to unseasonably cold (today). This changing weather kind of throws a kink in the wardrobe and I’ve been wearing spring outfits under my winter down jacket. Ick! Luckily, there is a huge outlet sale on Saturday where I can stock up on some transition pieces.
Here’s what I learned this week:
- Under Glass Framing on Church Street does an excellent job.
- Safeway has a “buy one get one free” deal on the super sweet honeydew melons this week.
- I love going to the hair salon. Nikki at G-Squared is the best.
- Embroidery is good for the soul.
- The day you wear your puffy skirt to work will always be extremely windy.
- One lunch at a Brazilian steakhouse will fill you up for about two and a half days.
- I have somehow become the worst bowler in the world. I think my score at the LAC party on Wednesday was 26.
- The free Bike to Work Day tote bags smell very strongly of shredded wheat. (What is with me and smelly purses lately?)
- Kickball is all about the bunting. Master the line drive bunt and you will rule the field.
- The Will & Grace finale was good, but a little dependent on stage make-up.
- When your boyfriend spends a large amount on a bike, you get to spend an equally large amount on something for yourself.
- Shalom in the Home is my favorite new show.
We’ve got a busy weekend coming up. Rob and I are going rock climbing tonight. I’m going to the big denim sale tomorrow and Sunday is Bay to Breakers! Have a great weekend!
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