What a relaxing three day weekend that was! The dreadful…
When in Rome?
Hayfork beckons and I am trying to decide if taking my old pair of Justin cowboy boots is a good idea.
I bought these boots in high school when I had a massive crush on the president of FFA and delusions that I would make a great cowgirl. I think I may have even bought them at Farm Supply. Simply growing up in a town where there is a store called “Farm Supply” is pretty amazing. As for my cowgirl aspirations…let’s just say they were misguided. I am a fairly good rider, but couldn’t be called “rustic” by any sense of the word.
So the boots…The downside is that they are hot, require knee socks and take up a lot of packing room. The upside is that they are very area-appropriate and may help take the edge off of the absurd designer-jeans-and-DVF wardrobe I have planned. What do you think?
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Heck ya, when else would you get to wear them around here? I think they would be fabulous with the DVF dress too 🙂 Take lotsa pics!
Me too…you should definetely take them. Who did you have a crush on? Braden Todaro? Or was it Sean…
Braden, thank you very much. I’m glad that that embarrasing period is now Google-ready!
i beat you too it and just googled him. i think he works for the San Francisco Coast Guard? maybe you should look him up.
Stop it, Nicole! You are search engine optimizing my embarrassing high school memories!
Need I remind you of a gentleman named Frank with which you were once acquainted?