Our neighbors across the back driveway have a really nice…

Things I love today: Pugs!
Say hello to Fuji and Payton, my new best friends!
This adorable pug duo kept me company on the sidelines of last night’s kickball game. The dogs belonged to our referee and were waaay into the game. They watched each inning very closely and Payton even got to help her owner run the bases. I want a dog! Maybe not a pug, but a silky Yorkshire terrier like this guy.
Our kickball team won again, even with its star player on the disabled list. Only one more week until the championships!
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so cute! I love the German word for “Pugs”, they call them “Mops”, if you get a pug you should name him that 🙂
OMG! “Mops” is the cutest thing ever!