Another week, another set of urban girl lessons learned. This…

Party Recipe: Pumpkin Carving
The October Ladies Activity Club party was last night. Christine hosted us for a night of pumpkin carving at her adorable apartment. I was blown away by how much thought she put into her party. She made a great buffet of snacks all from scratch: two cakes (one using my pumpkin pan), caramel apples, blue cheese dip, tea sandwiches and sangria. She even bought special “Creepy Cranberry” Halloween soda! And her whole apartment was decorated with pumpkins, gourds, corn, candy and candles:
After feasting on all her snacks, we started carving pumpkins. Christine provided us with templates and a wide variety of carving tools. Casey and I went for traditional freehand designs while everyone else used the fancy templates:
Around 10, we were all done with our pumpkins! Christine awarded prizes, doled out cake to take home to our boyfriends and husbands and lined up our creations on the table for a final photo.
Jill was nice enough to give me a ride home from the party. Before going to bed, I roasted the seeds I saved and lit my pumpkin on the coffee table. I love carving pumpkins! Many thanks to Christine for hosting such a fantastic October party!
Next Post: Party Planning: Holiday Prep
Previous Post: What to Wear: House of Prime Rib
Looks like fun!