Urban Outfitters,Hi guys, just a quick note to see if…

Weekend Illustrated: R&R
I’ve been trying to take it easy on the weekends (a little unsuccessfully). My hip has been not so great this week so I decided to give relaxing the ol’ college try this past weekend. Rob and I had a “hermit night” on Friday. We watched a corny movie and ate mac ‘n cheese in our pjs:
We met up with Matt on Saturday for a round of archery in the park. My new bow arrived, but without a string so it was back to the plastic freebie. The weather was scorching and so were my mad archery skills! We celebrated after with lunch at the Park Chalet. I am always surprised at just how good the food is there. Fried onions, steak skewers, feta & spinach pizza, caramel apples, cupcakes and margaritas, delish!
Thoroughly worn out from shooting, overheating in the sun and feasting, we all came back to the apartment to relax and play classic Atari games. I was only good at Skydiver and Centipede:
The host of the October Ladies Activity Club party came by to pick up some pumpkins and a cake pan that evening and we took Matt to dinner at Burgermeister before calling it a night. I had to get to bed at a reasonable time for brunch the next day. Sara, a blogger from Geneva, was visiting the city! On Sunday morning, I took the 22 bus out to Union Street for breakfast at Home with her and her friends.
It was so fun to meet her in person! I even had a chance to buy a pair of fake eyelashes at Sephora for Friday’s party before heading back home. Despite really trying to rest, I still may have overdone it on Saturday. So it was straight back to the couch and my trusty frozen pea ice pack for the rest of Sunday.
There is another big week ahead of us. The LAC party is tonight, Amber and I are celebrating our close birthdays together on Wednesday, the office is having a bday lunch for me on Thursday and we’re celebrating Friday night with fondue. I have to admit that it was good to get a little rest this weekend, even if it does go against my nature!
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it was so fun to meet you guys!!!