To Do: Buy new flatware

To Do: Buy new flatware

I've been using the same cheapo IKEA flatware for about four years. It's time to upgrade.Why is it so incredibly difficult to find the right…
Pacific Hail!

Pacific Hail!

I was just invited back to my alma mater for a communication syposium. Apparently, I am also winning some sort of award? Very exciting even…
Hawaiiansanity almost over

Hawaiiansanity almost over

Jean and Trent are coming back from Hawaii tomorrow morning. I am halfway considering making them "welcome back" leis out of MUNI transfer tickets just…
Crafty: Easter eggs

Crafty: Easter eggs

The March Ladies Activity Club party is tonight! This month's activity is decorating eggs with Japanese origami paper, a la these instructions from Martha Stewart.You…
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