As our "travel day" this was supposed to be a…

Rob Appreciation Day
This is one of my favorite photos from a trip to Mendocino with Rob last summer. The giant driftwood that litters the beach there is used to build small shelters. Rob and I sat in the cool shade of this one and he carved our initials in one of the logs.
Rob and I have been together for 6 years and each day has been a new adventure. He’s great at making me laugh and pushing me to try new things. Rob is basically the opposite of me: he’s a manly-man, outdoorsy, good at math and mellow. Being opposites makes us a perfect balance! Happy Valentine’s Day, boss-man!
PS: Check out the “unfortunate valentines” on this site!
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Previous Post: Happy Valentine’s Day!
I maintain you’re the boss. I’m a lucky guy to be with such a wonderful woman. Happy Valentine’s day. Love Rob
What a lovely sentiment and a beautiful photograph. When you have found someone in this world who makes you happy, you have become rich beyond measure. Happy Heart Day!
beautiful picture and what a sweet post, hope you guys had a good valentines day!