I leave for New York tomorrow morning. I always try…

Things I Love Today: Chocolate Heart
Rob gave me this chocolate heart from Joseph Schmidt for Valentine’s Day last night (their store is down the street from our apartment). It is filled with six truffles and the “shell” is made from really good dark chocolate. I ate half of one of the sides before going to dinner and almost left the house with chocolate all over my face!
Next Post: Happy Valentine’s Day!
Previous Post: Coveted: Artus Bird Sculpture
Mmmmm. Chocolatte.
The little cadbury eggs (milk chocolate with crispy outer shell) are now in the stores. I had some this morning and may be the little guys until Easter . . .
ChocolaTe. I know how to spell it.
Mmm…In Ireland, they sell cadbury cream eggs all year round. There’s a reason I gained 20 pounds when I lived in Dublin!