Ah, Mexico! It's been a while since my last fix.…

Weekend Round-up: Cooking in the Rain
(Oops, I forgot my camera at home. Pictures to come)
The weather was so awful this weekend! Bitter cold and with biting mist that stung your face. Still, despite this setback, it was great to be at home. On Friday night, Rob and I celebrated our cabin fever with a dinner roasted pork loin, champagne and a movie rental.
I made breakfast on Saturday morning, well…just coffee and fig newmans, really. Feeling fully refreshed by the sleep-in, Rob and I drove out to the Legion of Honor to see the Masterpieces of French Jewelry exhibit. The Belle Epoque jewelry was my favorite but in the end I fell for the drawings of Georges Barbier in the next gallery over instead.
Still raining as Rob and I drove over the bridge to look at some property in Forestville. We’ve been playing with the idea of buying some land and building a prefab weekend house. The lot was far too steep (in topography and price) so we drove on to the coast to see if there were better options in Bodega Bay. The coast was incredibly dramatic in all that mist with daffodils blooming every where.
We didn’t find the perfect lot but we did get to explore some new areas. And we made it home in time for a light dinner and our first time watching Out of Africa. I’ve read this book at least 20 times but had never seen the film. So, so good! I absolutely loved Meryl Streep…and the costumes…and the sets! The whole thing is just perfect.
Rob ran out to get me the Sunday paper the next morning and I made us waffles. At 11:00, there was a brief break in the weather and time for archery. I don’t know if it was the hearty breakfast or watching Meryl hunting in Africa, but it felt so nice to be outside shooting.
Once my arms were sore and my bouquet of picked daisies finished, we headed home for lunch. I made chili out of the pork loin leftovers and kidney beans. Rob and I went shopping downtown all afternoon (I’ll post later about some of the best scores) and then came home for another quiet dinner. For this sixth and final home-cooked meal, I made orecchiette pasta with mushrooms, cauliflower and lots of garlic. Yum!
Next Post: Urban Girl Alamanac: Home Sweet Home
Previous Post: Things I Love Today: Delicate Nightgowns
OH! When You build a house can we use a corner of the lot to build our 10,000 getaway. We won’t play any loud music.
Sounds like a great weekend!
OH my goodness.. did you cry like crazy in “Out of Africa” when her assistant talks about building a fire so big that she can see it where ever she is…
Well.. I did. Sounds like a fun weekend.
I love Bodega!
I cried all over that movie. The part where she rubs the dirt from Dennison’s grave in her hair, oh man!
So help me if my husband finds out that girls like you exist. He’s lucky if I make him a sandwich or fetch something from the kitchen. That we temporarily live in a basement with no stove/oven doesn’t help!