We had the November Ladies Activity Club last night, hosted…
Your Favorite Jewelry
Yay for readers! We’ve received some great favorite jewelry picks for the theme this week:
Diamond Heart Pendant – Sara inherited this from her grandmother and wore it at her wedding. So sweet! We have a diamond basket pendant that is traditional wedding jewelry in our family.
Diamond Band – Tiffany sent in this as her dream piece of jewelry. Simple, elegant and lovely!
Diamond Ring – Sara also sent a photo of her engagement ring. I saw it in person when she visited SF, very pretty!
Tennis Bracelet – Kerry emailed in her fantasy: “A 15 Carat Diamond 14K White Gold Triple Row Tennis Bracelet for only 16K!” That is some serious tennis.
Jewelry week ends tomorrow. Send in a photo of your favorite piece of jewelry or the piece that you covet today!
Next Post: What to Wear: Bridesmaid Accesories
Previous Post: Bargain Finder: La Redoute Jewelry
Wouldn’t it be fun to wear all these pieces together. I get jealous of the movies stars at Oscar time, how they just get to borrow all this gorgeous stuff. There are a lot of things that I would just love to wear one time. And, Miss Em, thanks… my dream piece looks very elegant on your blog. I’m glad you approved. 🙂