Christmas being over means that some of my very favorite…

Very Big, Exciting, Tremendous News!
I’m back! I am a jet-lagged zombie and swamped with emails. So, the big vacation wrap up will have to come later. But, I do have the energy to share with you the super exciting news: I am engaged!
It happened when we were staying at the beach house with my mom, dad, sister and her boyfriend. Rob rushed in and told me that there were sea turtles hatching on the beach! I grabbed my coat and ran after him. Instead of turtles, he spelled out “Marry Me” in a bonfire and presented me with gorgeous diamond ring. I was completely surprised! My family popped out from behind the sand dune once I said “yes!”
The whole thing couldn’t have been more perfect! I’ve spent the last three days staring at my left hand and floating on cloud nine!
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Congratulations!!! We got engaged on a beach too. The best couples always do. 😉 Can’t wait to see more pics and hear more about the trip!
WHAT???????????????? CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously, the ring is so effing amazing.
Beautiful ring! Cute couple!
WOW!!!!! YAY!!!!! Congratulations! What a great proposal story, and the ring is amazing 🙂
So was your whole family in on it before the trip?
It seems like half the country was in on it a few weeks before! I was totally clueless 🙂
So exciting! Congratulations from Toronto, Emily!
i can’t believe everyone knew and he surprised you, what a great story you have 🙂
and I can’t wait to see all the great wedding related stuff that will be on your blog! Congrats again!!!
Emily I’m so excited my brother has finally popped the big question. Congratulations!!!! What a wonderful proposal & WOW on the ring ~ that thing is enormous. We are so excited!!!
Congratgulations!!! We are so happy for you both!
here i am crying at work again.
I am looking forward to seeing the wedding outfit suggestions pop up on your blog!
WOW! Congrats! Let the wedding plans begin!
That is without doubt the most amazing ring I have ever seen.
Congrats! That ring is amazing.
Congratulations!! BEAUTIFUL ring and great proposal! Can’t wait to read about all the adventures yet to come!
Hooray! Hooray! You’re back and you’re back with the most exciting news ever. Many, many congratulations! I am so excited for you and for Rob too! Many, many best wishes.. The ring is very beautiful too, which it must be to go along with the bride. And you are not old fashioned, you are classic.
OH MY – your ring is fabulous! Congratulations!
oh how wonderful! what a cute story to have always. 🙂
congratulations emily!!
How wonderful and romantic. Congratualtions. All the best is yet to come.
Emily, Congratulations!
I am having an amazing morning… first I stumble upon your blog, which was a pure accident, and next thing I see is that you are engaged! This is fantastic! I hope you guys had a wonderful engagement day, and will have even more wonderful life thereafter.
Getting engaged on the beach seems to be the way to do it… thanks for helping my hubby make ours happen. It was perfect! I hope yours was perfect too.
Love, Alexandra
wow!! congratulations!
Hi Alex! What an insane coincidence!
Wow, that is SO awesome! I can’t wait for your wedding inspired posts!
Awwh, congratulations! I’m so happy for you.
my friend emily and I were talking about how we’re SO HAPPY for you and we don’t even know you… but we really are! 🙂 anyway, congratulations! can’t wait to see how you handle the challenge: “What should Emily wear on her wedding day?” 🙂 the ring is awesome.