I have a lovely wicker picnic basket that was a…

Weekend Round-Up: Colors
What a perfect weekend! Rob and I drove out to Yosemite on Friday night. The collapsed freeway and detour hardly slowed us down at all. It was bitter cold in the valley so we just set up the tent and tucked into our sleeping bags for the night.
Up pretty early the next morning to try and warm up with coffee and oatmeal on the camp stove. A big group of our friends left early for a major hike and climb and we joined out friend Seth for a smaller climb. This was the first time I’ve climbed in at least six months and a big test of my newly healed back. I did really well and had a huge adrenaline rush at the top ledge!
The other climbs we wanted to do were too crowded with guides teaching lessons. So instead, we had a nice picnic lunch and wandered around the valley for the rest of the afternoon. Seth, a good banjo player, taught Rob how to tune his new ukulele (He’s learning to play for the wedding). People started slowly returning to the campsite around 6:00. We had a small fire and a good dinner. The big group didn’t get back from their climb until 1:00 am!
On Sunday, Rob and I packed up camp and scrubbed up as best we could. We had a 10:30 meeting with an event manager at the Ahwahnee Hotel. The weather was perfect and there was blooming dogwood all over the valley. We took a ton of photos and came up with some great ideas for the wedding.
It was blazing hot when we got back to San Francisco at 4:00. We did a bit of unpacking before Jill and Peter called to invite us to a backyard barbecue at their apartment. Rob and I picked up some baby artichokes and other veggies at the produce market on our way over. We spent a great night on their back patio just talking with friends and marveling over the warm night.
Back home through a bustling Castro. We opened all the windows in our apartment and crashed into bed at 11:00. Too much fun!
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What a gorgeous location!