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Party Recipe: Rooftop 4th
Amber and Matt did a fantastic job hosting a 4th of July party at their apartment last night!
Rob and I took the bus up to Russian Hill a little after six for the party. What a spread! They had made big platters of roast beef and shrimp tacos, guacamole, cole slaw, chips and dip.
We played a few rounds of dominoes in their living room and watched the traffic on the street below while waiting for it to get dark. Around eight, the party moved upstairs to their roof with a gorgeous view of the bay.
Fireworks started in Sausalito at 9:00 and at Aquatic Park at 9:30. It’s been a while since I last saw fireworks and I was super impressed. Happy faces, three dimensional squares and saturn designs were all new to me. But I liked the giant traditional ones the best.
The show ended at 10:00 and Rob and I dashed out to try and beat the crowds. The plan was to take the bus, but an open taxi right in front of their apartment building was too good to pass up. We collapsed into bed shortly after arriving at home and fell sound asleep to the popping noise of fireworks in our neighborhood.
You can see all my photos from the 4th of July online here.
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What fun! It was a blast having you guys over – thank you so much for all the great help.